About us

The specialist in ice cream & espresso machines

We are experts in machinery!

Ice cream machines require high competence and long experience in refrigeration and freezing technology. We sell soft ice cream machines, hard ice cream machines, ice cream counters, espresso machines, slush machines and much more!

Quality is cheap in the long run. For us, quality means more than quantity. We don’t want to work with short-term solutions, because no one will be happy with them in the long run. High quality, a high level of expertise, a complete stock of spare parts and solid experience guarantee problem-free operation.

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Welcome to our store in Malmö

Our business concept is to simplify the handling of products such as soft ice cream, slush, espresso and coffee through high quality, good service and support.

Service & spare parts warehouse

Service is one of the most important building blocks of our business philosophy. We service most of the machines on the market, both professional and home machines. We install and provide training on site at the customer or in our workshop. We stock spare parts for all our machines and many others. We have a large spare parts warehouse with more than 6000 items. We also have used items that we sell.

Shop and exhibition

Machines and accessories for; commercial kitchens, restaurants, cafes, bars, fast food or private use. In our range there are many different types of machines to suit your needs. We sell new, demo and used machines. Used machines are fully functional and thoroughly reviewed and with a guarantee. We also sell coffee beans, ground coffee, pods, capsules, coffee syrups, mills, thermometers, disposables (cups and lids), topping, syrup etc. Shop & exhibition is centrally located in Malmö. Most things are always in stock.

Come and see our wide range of products!

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